Plant a garden and reap the harvest of your own home grown food. 种植一个菜园并收获自产食物。
The "Harvest Home" is an experimental house based on a traditional scheme: day and night activities are separated in two floors around a fireplace. “收获之家”是一个基于传统设计的试验性建筑:,将昼夜的活动分离开来。
Farms like his typically have only one cropping season a year due to limited water, but he has managed to plant and harvest enough rice for home consumption even during the dry season. 过去,像Asesor所拥有的农田,通常每年只能种植一造稻米,现在即使在干旱季节,他也能够种植到足够自己食用的稻米。
During the harvest season, everyone pulled a wheelbarrow loaded with three large sacks of rice on the30cm wide field ridge, transporting rice home. 秋收季节,每个人推着一个胶轮独轮车,装着三袋稻米在尺把宽的田埂上来回运送。
In the case of fruit farmers, perhaps perennial is the wrong word: workers show up only for the summer harvest. In a couple of weeks they will be heading home, usually to a university course somewhere in eastern Europe. 但对于经营果园的农场主,长远一词可能不适用:工人们在夏收时才来,干几周后就回家去了,通常是到东欧某个大学念一门课程。
Good kid helping to harvest vegetables to bring home before sunset. 照片中的好孩子正在采摘蔬菜,她要在日落前将采好的菜带回家。
Based on experience and harvest obtained home and abroad, pavement structure of asphalt overlay is studied out by forecasting future traffic capacity, so the material composition design is considered as emphasis. 借鉴国内外已有经验成果的基础上,结合未来交通发展的需求,进行了沥青加铺层的结构设计,并重点研究其材料设计。